Dirk Vekemans
2007-04-18 20:29:20 UTC
-- Amending ze traffique de drogues
Ending, purposing, fail. We are not the ones.
Why did it turn out to be saving and not
storing files, whos keeping track of these
Things? Are You? The regressio ad infinitum
never is actually and even that she ows completely to
her being thought. Watch the relentless monotony of
of the survivors howling, every one of them
contributing to the distracting petty
historiolae, the flight from the proper
ductus rationis. We all need to return
to the E-bay, please proceed to the E-bay.
The sharp One, selbstverständlich, quod
mihi utilius. In the absence of Progress
our Words are to stand centered in the
waving Fields of Wild Flesh, a bilabial
auto-geneviève of sorts, sucking draught
to spit heat to damp seas to take it all to
the river S near Babylon. As in: this is the
f***** dream boy, the one dream
you will never wake from, this is what
your mother and I have been denying
ourselves all those holidays for we are
not the ones no dont look up dont
at us dont look into the story please.
Union, ending, purposing. Fail. Union
-- On Rilke being eaten clean in a can of worms
De geijkte wijze dient grondig herijkt. Een ordeverstoring
vindt plaats om een nieuwe woning te kunnen betrekken.
Quand les anges explodes, cest le moment parfait pour
changer sa vie. Remove the battery pack by sliding the hatch
Forward firmly. Potentio referring both to empowerment
and to ability, hence the reductionist idea of potentiality.
We are not the ones. What is conventional needs to reconvene.
Throw bombs in the river, the fish will die, the water will get
Infested with infections. The problem will solve itself. Who
Are you anyway? Quod mihi utilius. Caute. Taking so much care
the darkness was sufficient cause for Nietsche to turn him inside
Out. Simon de Vries. The is is the is qua issing. Count Dracul,
le calculle sans cullotes of René the fileMan. Died, his lungs
infested with glass fibers trying to see a way in, out. Dried,
Ending, purposing, fail. We are not the ones.
Why did it turn out to be saving and not
storing files, whos keeping track of these
Things? Are You? The regressio ad infinitum
never is actually and even that she ows completely to
her being thought. Watch the relentless monotony of
of the survivors howling, every one of them
contributing to the distracting petty
historiolae, the flight from the proper
ductus rationis. We all need to return
to the E-bay, please proceed to the E-bay.
The sharp One, selbstverständlich, quod
mihi utilius. In the absence of Progress
our Words are to stand centered in the
waving Fields of Wild Flesh, a bilabial
auto-geneviève of sorts, sucking draught
to spit heat to damp seas to take it all to
the river S near Babylon. As in: this is the
f***** dream boy, the one dream
you will never wake from, this is what
your mother and I have been denying
ourselves all those holidays for we are
not the ones no dont look up dont
at us dont look into the story please.
Union, ending, purposing. Fail. Union
-- On Rilke being eaten clean in a can of worms
De geijkte wijze dient grondig herijkt. Een ordeverstoring
vindt plaats om een nieuwe woning te kunnen betrekken.
Quand les anges explodes, cest le moment parfait pour
changer sa vie. Remove the battery pack by sliding the hatch
Forward firmly. Potentio referring both to empowerment
and to ability, hence the reductionist idea of potentiality.
We are not the ones. What is conventional needs to reconvene.
Throw bombs in the river, the fish will die, the water will get
Infested with infections. The problem will solve itself. Who
Are you anyway? Quod mihi utilius. Caute. Taking so much care
the darkness was sufficient cause for Nietsche to turn him inside
Out. Simon de Vries. The is is the is qua issing. Count Dracul,
le calculle sans cullotes of René the fileMan. Died, his lungs
infested with glass fibers trying to see a way in, out. Dried,