My stupid talking.
(too old to reply)
Alan Sondheim
2007-04-19 19:42:06 UTC
My stupid talking.

When I speak I sound like an idiot. I can't control my words. Thoughts and
concepts fluster in and out, a jumble. When I write, things are different;
they organize themselves, I am a shepherd. My thinking wears my writing.
Words and worlds organize. Work is words. When I speak, things pour forth,
uselessly. When I write a letter or email, I continue speaking. The style,
content, is absurd, monstrous. No one keeps my email. I am constantly
losing posts. There's no reason to keep them; they're incorrect. When I
reply online to someone, it's the same thing, ridiculous. I lose track of
my emotions, of what I'm saying. I appear stupid. Only when I am writing,
like this, through the interior of what might have been my speech - only
when I am writing _thus,_ am I satisfied. My words connect; the thought is
often brilliant, almost always dense, compact, to the point. Speaking, I
can't even defend myself. I am not the other of the signifier I need to be
in order to be. If my speaking is becoming, my writing is ontology itself.
When I speak, it's strategy, joking. People are surprised at my sense of
humor. It's a carapace I wear with delight. It keeps me from death. Death
seeps through my writing. Death inhabits my writing; my writing inhabits
death. I do not draw a distinction; I write only within the written. When
I speak, language disappears into melody. There is a difficulty with
melody just as there is a difficulty with cleverness. Cleverness is a
proper turn-away from truth towards communality. I speak with cleverness.
It comes from the situation of speaking. I write from somewhere else. In
my writing cleverness sounds a false note. It indicates I am off track, I
have lost myself, I am suturing over the wound of ignorance and existence.
There is no laughter in my writing. There is laughter in my letters and
email. They are absurd as my laughter is absurd. They attempt to cover my
inadequacy. My absurd joking deflects my graceless awkwardness. It goes
nowhere, says nothing of any consequence, and says it poorly. I think my
speaking and email will be the death of me. They draw attention way from
my writing. They undermine it. They say it's not clever enough, intelli-
gent enough. My writing does not respond. My writing sinks, and is writing
about that sinking. My writing props up my world it undermines and
describes. My talking ignores the whole problem. My talking is that litany
of deflections. What I do not understand, I turn into something else. What
I do understand becomes fodder; it never nourishes sufficiently. My talk-
ing implies talking to another limit; there's no etiquette in this. There
is no community in my writing; community cannot survive honesty. But my
writing is full of subterfuge, is about that subterfuge. My talking
carries itself everywhere in order to become pointless. My talking is
pointless. My writing is chiseled into a simulacrum construct of the real.
The real in my writing has everything at stake. It is at stake through and
within the writing. My speaking ignores the real; what is at stake is my
self and its alterity. My self is always in the midst-of, when I am speak-
ing. My self is absent or boundary, bordering, when I am writing. I write
beyond myself; I speak from myself. My speaking is monstrous, self-defeat-
ing. My writing is after the fact. If my speaking is central, my writing
is peripheral; if my writing is central, my speaking is peripheral. One
must read my writing, read my writing with the utmost care. One must never
listen when I am speaking.
2007-04-19 20:25:22 UTC
haha! i keep them! sometimes for years then burn them off on a disc. sometimes not.
When I speak I sound like an idiot. I can't control my words. Thoughts
and concepts fluster in and out, a jumble, a mumble and a rumble, words like
bumble-bee, jelly-fish, structoarphaporphissom, king of delphi in chinese sea flares,
who who, cookoo cookoo, I lose track of my emotions, of what I'm saying.
I appear, stupid. Appearence. Is. Stupid. or knot, ore knot. splay, splat, who says
that the creatures of an immanent doman can't be any less wiggly and giggly than
"real" creatures, eh? hoo sez that, and more, or lez. Remember to bow 3 times to the
West, put your old shewingum into the left and empty inkpot sepulchre of the gorgon.

there is an ancient tradition for everything. Everything we do or say or am is venerable,
the venerable youth of thought in the veneravel body of substance.

youth mind
shakes hands
with ancient substance
your co-pilot

as god is my dog pilot
Aubliss dawns,

arf, woof,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Sondheim" <***@PANIX.COM>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 12:40 PM
Subject: My stupid talking.
Post by Alan Sondheim
My stupid talking.
When I speak I sound like an idiot. I can't control my words. Thoughts and
concepts fluster in and out, a jumble. When I write, things are different;
they organize themselves, I am a shepherd. My thinking wears my writing.
Words and worlds organize. Work is words. When I speak, things pour forth,
uselessly. When I write a letter or email, I continue speaking. The style,
content, is absurd, monstrous. No one keeps my email. I am constantly
losing posts. There's no reason to keep them; they're incorrect. When I
reply online to someone, it's the same thing, ridiculous. I lose track of
my emotions, of what I'm saying. I appear stupid. Only when I am writing,
like this, through the interior of what might have been my speech - only
when I am writing _thus,_ am I satisfied. My words connect; the thought is
often brilliant, almost always dense, compact, to the point. Speaking, I
can't even defend myself. I am not the other of the signifier I need to be
in order to be. If my speaking is becoming, my writing is ontology itself.
When I speak, it's strategy, joking. People are surprised at my sense of
humor. It's a carapace I wear with delight. It keeps me from death. Death
seeps through my writing. Death inhabits my writing; my writing inhabits
death. I do not draw a distinction; I write only within the written. When
I speak, language disappears into melody. There is a difficulty with
melody just as there is a difficulty with cleverness. Cleverness is a
proper turn-away from truth towards communality. I speak with cleverness.
It comes from the situation of speaking. I write from somewhere else. In
my writing cleverness sounds a false note. It indicates I am off track, I
have lost myself, I am suturing over the wound of ignorance and existence.
There is no laughter in my writing. There is laughter in my letters and
email. They are absurd as my laughter is absurd. They attempt to cover my
inadequacy. My absurd joking deflects my graceless awkwardness. It goes
nowhere, says nothing of any consequence, and says it poorly. I think my
speaking and email will be the death of me. They draw attention way from
my writing. They undermine it. They say it's not clever enough, intelli-
gent enough. My writing does not respond. My writing sinks, and is writing
about that sinking. My writing props up my world it undermines and
describes. My talking ignores the whole problem. My talking is that litany
of deflections. What I do not understand, I turn into something else. What
I do understand becomes fodder; it never nourishes sufficiently. My talk-
ing implies talking to another limit; there's no etiquette in this. There
is no community in my writing; community cannot survive honesty. But my
writing is full of subterfuge, is about that subterfuge. My talking
carries itself everywhere in order to become pointless. My talking is
pointless. My writing is chiseled into a simulacrum construct of the real.
The real in my writing has everything at stake. It is at stake through and
within the writing. My speaking ignores the real; what is at stake is my
self and its alterity. My self is always in the midst-of, when I am speak-
ing. My self is absent or boundary, bordering, when I am writing. I write
beyond myself; I speak from myself. My speaking is monstrous, self-defeat-
ing. My writing is after the fact. If my speaking is central, my writing
is peripheral; if my writing is central, my speaking is peripheral. One
must read my writing, read my writing with the utmost care. One must never
listen when I am speaking.
J. Lehmus
2007-04-19 21:55:53 UTC
just a quick translation of something I've recently begun in Finnish --


Newly planted trees between the sidewalk and the street itself. The trees
were enclosed in lithe metal cages. The street had been drawn in such a
fashion that during the evenings, the sun would dazzle anyone who stepped
on the street. The street would turn somewhere in the direction of the
light, but this would happen quite a long way from here. The sidewalk was
in the shadows. The sun shone through the plastic bags carried by the
people returning from a corner store. This was in early spring. Before
there was the street there had been an empty yard where the truck drivers
would sleep in the cabins of their trucks. The yard was muddy and filled
with puddles. A lonely man was prying empty bottles out from the glass
disposal. On the weekends, the mall-goers would park their cars here. It
was almost impossible to steer a shopping cart on this terrain. Further
away the willows would grow. Then beyond the willows an empty field where
somebody was keeping caravan trailers in large numbers. The wind was
similar then. I learned it only afterwards. I had seen that yard from a
car window, a long time ago. It had maybe been in summer.

More trees along the other side of the street. Also some bushes and a
stream that has been engineered to flow along its own channel. It flows
much lower than the street level. The stream reminds of an open sewer and
is so miserable that nobody wants to hear about it. There are some rocks
and rubbish in the stream. The stream flows in from quite far away despite
the terrain being considerably flat. Sea bottom, formerly. The horsemen
have traced a large black oval-shaped track across the field. Along one of
the sides of the track there is an overgrown path, lined by ancient oaks
on both sides. It is possible to make passage through this path, but with
difficulty. Pale yellow fungus grows on some of the tree trunks,
protruding in grotesque tufts. Possibly the path will go all the way to
the mansion. Once he saw an ambulance helicopter landing here. There is a
vacant lot, waiting for a construction work to commence in the summer.
Something about that in a local paper. Sometimes the metal roof of the
tower of the mansion can be seen glittering in sunlight. It can be seen
from a bus window. The horses always walk in the clockwise direction.

MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
2007-04-20 04:38:39 UTC
I liked this alot!

The stream reminds of an open sewer and
Post by J. Lehmus
is so miserable that nobody wants to hear about it.
sort of reminds me of one of those deliciously deadpan Herzog monlogues.

Espoo has got to be the coolest place name ever!

thnks JL.

----- Original Message -----
From: "J. Lehmus" <***@SDF-EU.ORG>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 2:53 PM
Subject: From 'Espoo'
Post by J. Lehmus
just a quick translation of something I've recently begun in Finnish --
Newly planted trees between the sidewalk and the street itself. The trees
were enclosed in lithe metal cages. The street had been drawn in such a
fashion that during the evenings, the sun would dazzle anyone who stepped
on the street. The street would turn somewhere in the direction of the
light, but this would happen quite a long way from here. The sidewalk was
in the shadows. The sun shone through the plastic bags carried by the
people returning from a corner store. This was in early spring. Before
there was the street there had been an empty yard where the truck drivers
would sleep in the cabins of their trucks. The yard was muddy and filled
with puddles. A lonely man was prying empty bottles out from the glass
disposal. On the weekends, the mall-goers would park their cars here. It
was almost impossible to steer a shopping cart on this terrain. Further
away the willows would grow. Then beyond the willows an empty field where
somebody was keeping caravan trailers in large numbers. The wind was
similar then. I learned it only afterwards. I had seen that yard from a
car window, a long time ago. It had maybe been in summer.
More trees along the other side of the street. Also some bushes and a
stream that has been engineered to flow along its own channel. It flows
much lower than the street level. The stream reminds of an open sewer and
is so miserable that nobody wants to hear about it. There are some rocks
and rubbish in the stream. The stream flows in from quite far away despite
the terrain being considerably flat. Sea bottom, formerly. The horsemen
have traced a large black oval-shaped track across the field. Along one of
the sides of the track there is an overgrown path, lined by ancient oaks
on both sides. It is possible to make passage through this path, but with
difficulty. Pale yellow fungus grows on some of the tree trunks,
protruding in grotesque tufts. Possibly the path will go all the way to
the mansion. Once he saw an ambulance helicopter landing here. There is a
vacant lot, waiting for a construction work to commence in the summer.
Something about that in a local paper. Sometimes the metal roof of the
tower of the mansion can be seen glittering in sunlight. It can be seen
from a bus window. The horses always walk in the clockwise direction.
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
J. Lehmus
2007-04-20 07:06:33 UTC
Post by phanero
Espoo has got to be the coolest place name ever!
Why? It's a Finnish form of the original name in Swedish, 'Esbo,' dating
from perhaps the middle ages, and meaning more or less a 'place of
habitation' I think.


MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
Jim Piat
2007-04-20 07:30:02 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: "J. Lehmus" <***@SDF-EU.ORG>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: From 'Espoo'
Post by J. Lehmus
Post by phanero
Espoo has got to be the coolest place name ever!
Why? It's a Finnish form of the original name in Swedish, 'Esbo,' dating
from perhaps the middle ages, and meaning more or less a 'place of
habitation' I think.
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
SMALL world -- there must be some sort of primal onomatopoeia going on for
phanero. And who could doubt that -- that seems to be where you people
(yoooouuuu) people live XXX Just the other side of the meaning --
before, beyond or alternatively. menu menu
J. Lehmus
2007-04-20 07:54:34 UTC
Post by Jim Piat
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: From 'Espoo'
Post by J. Lehmus
Post by phanero
Espoo has got to be the coolest place name ever!
Why? It's a Finnish form of the original name in Swedish, 'Esbo,' dating
from perhaps the middle ages, and meaning more or less a 'place of
habitation' I think.
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
SMALL world -- there must be some sort of primal onomatopoeia going on for
phanero. And who could doubt that -- that seems to be where you people
(yoooouuuu) people live XXX Just the other side of the meaning --
before, beyond or alternatively. menu menu
Wikipedia has the etymology somewhat differently:

The name Espoo probably comes from the Swedish name for the River Espoo,
Espå (or Espåå), which in turn comes from the old Swedish word äspe,
meaning stand of aspen, and the Swedish word for "river", å. The name was
first mentioned in 1431.

The first inhabitants in the area arrived about 9,000 years ago. A
permanent settlement was established during the 12th and 13th centuries.
The King’s Road that passes through Espoo on its way from Stockholm via
Turku to Viipuri dates back to the 13th century. The oldest preserved
building in Espoo, the Espoo Cathedral, originates from the 1480s.

MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
Jim Piat
2007-04-20 12:59:22 UTC
On Fri, 20 Apr 2007, Jim Piat wrote:

I know Jim Piat. He's a friend of mine. Don't listen to a thing he
ays --

First of all he meant the other side of meaning -- not what he said which
was the other side of "the" meaning. Altogether different meaning. Of
course the boy means well but ahhhh And, you know, sadly enough he meant it
with affection --

1. yes, wasn't it a nifty cozy little description
2. I mean the espoo account
3. you know I think we should or would or could never get to the bottom of
this or anything else
4. I think that's pretty much how most things go with me
5. usually a good thing

6.though I have great fear of electricity and all things I don't understand
Which come to think of it might look good in two inch bold

Thanks, Lehmus --
Jim Piat
Post by Jim Piat
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: From 'Espoo'
Post by J. Lehmus
Post by phanero
Espoo has got to be the coolest place name ever!
Why? It's a Finnish form of the original name in Swedish, 'Esbo,' dating
from perhaps the middle ages, and meaning more or less a 'place of
habitation' I think.
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
SMALL world -- there must be some sort of primal onomatopoeia going on for
phanero. And who could doubt that -- that seems to be where you people
(yoooouuuu) people live XXX Just the other side of the meaning --
before, beyond or alternatively. menu menu
Wikipedia has the etymology somewhat differently:

The name Espoo probably comes from the Swedish name for the River Espoo,
Espå (or Espåå), which in turn comes from the old Swedish word äspe,
meaning stand of aspen, and the Swedish word for "river", å. The name was
first mentioned in 1431.

The first inhabitants in the area arrived about 9,000 years ago. A
permanent settlement was established during the 12th and 13th centuries.
The King's Road that passes through Espoo on its way from Stockholm via
Turku to Viipuri dates back to the 13th century. The oldest preserved
building in Espoo, the Espoo Cathedral, originates from the 1480s.

MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
Tom_ Lewis
2007-04-20 15:16:01 UTC
Espoo (pron. ES-pohh) might be a cool name, but from my experience it's kind of a suburban hell, west of Helsinki and mostly upgraded/modernized in the 1960s/70s, replete with structures made of white blocks, columns, and glass barrel domes -- friends of mine thought Tapiola (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapiola : "the garden city") was a horrific example of late modern urban planning . . . the term that comes to mind when I think of Espoo is "nowheresville" -- am I wrong in this opinion, suomalaiset?

(here's an aerial shot of the city center: Loading Image...)
Post by Jim Piat
I know Jim Piat. He's a friend of mine. Don't listen to a thing he
ays --
First of all he meant the other side of meaning -- not what he said which
was the other side of "the" meaning. Altogether different meaning. Of
course the boy means well but ahhhh And, you know, sadly enough he meant it
with affection --
1. yes, wasn't it a nifty cozy little description
2. I mean the espoo account
3. you know I think we should or would or could never get to the bottom of
this or anything else
4. I think that's pretty much how most things go with me
5. usually a good thing
6.though I have great fear of electricity and all things I don't understand
Which come to think of it might look good in two inch bold
Thanks, Lehmus --
Jim Piat
Post by Jim Piat
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: From 'Espoo'
Post by J. Lehmus
Post by phanero
Espoo has got to be the coolest place name ever!
Why? It's a Finnish form of the original name in Swedish, 'Esbo,' dating
from perhaps the middle ages, and meaning more or less a 'place of
habitation' I think.
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
SMALL world -- there must be some sort of primal onomatopoeia going on for
phanero. And who could doubt that -- that seems to be where you people
(yoooouuuu) people live XXX Just the other side of the meaning --
before, beyond or alternatively. menu menu
The name Espoo probably comes from the Swedish name for the River Espoo,
Espå (or Espåå), which in turn comes from the old Swedish word äspe,
meaning stand of aspen, and the Swedish word for "river", å. The name was
first mentioned in 1431.
The first inhabitants in the area arrived about 9,000 years ago. A
permanent settlement was established during the 12th and 13th centuries.
The King's Road that passes through Espoo on its way from Stockholm via
Turku to Viipuri dates back to the 13th century. The oldest preserved
building in Espoo, the Espoo Cathedral, originates from the 1480s.
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
J. Lehmus
2007-04-20 18:01:11 UTC
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Espoo (pron. ES-pohh) might be a cool name, but from my experience it's kind of a suburban hell, west of Helsinki and mostly upgraded/modernized in the 1960s/70s, replete with structures made of white blocks, columns, and glass barrel domes -- friends of mine thought Tapiola (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapiola : "the garden city") was a horrific example of late modern urban planning . . . the term that comes to mind when I think of Espoo is "nowheresville" -- am I wrong in this opinion, suomalaiset?
You're absolutely correct. Espoo is an interesting location
psychogeographically so to speak. I'm trying to write at least one hundred
Post by Tom_ Lewis
(here's an aerial shot of the city center: http://kepo.tkk.fi/npcw07/img/l_0d29d07229106607c43aaee2310d198a.jpeg)
There %is% a city center in Espoo?

Some of my photos from Espoo can be found at

Greetings from Siikajärvi, Espoo,

MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
John M. Bennett
2007-04-20 18:12:35 UTC
hmmm, NONE of these links in this email work,
except the Menu Banal one. I'd love to see some photos of Espoo somehow.....

Post by J. Lehmus
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Espoo (pron. ES-pohh) might be a cool name, but
from my experience it's kind of a suburban
hell, west of Helsinki and mostly
upgraded/modernized in the 1960s/70s, replete
with structures made of white blocks, columns,
and glass barrel domes -- friends of mine
thought Tapiola
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapiola : "the
garden city") was a horrific example of late
modern urban planning . . . the term that comes
to mind when I think of Espoo is
"nowheresville" -- am I wrong in this opinion, suomalaiset?
You're absolutely correct. Espoo is an
interesting location psychogeographically so to
speak. I'm trying to write at least one hundred pages.
Post by Tom_ Lewis
There %is% a city center in Espoo?
Some of my photos from Espoo can be found at http://flickr.com/photos/jlehmus
Greetings from Siikajärvi, Espoo,
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029
J. Lehmus
2007-04-20 19:02:30 UTC
Don't know of the wiki and tkk.fi links, but the correct one for my flickr
page is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jxlehmus

I'm typing this on a text-only terminal, sorry

Post by John M. Bennett
hmmm, NONE of these links in this email work,
Welcome to Espoo
Post by John M. Bennett
except the Menu Banal one. I'd
love to see some photos of Espoo somehow.....
Post by J. Lehmus
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Espoo (pron. ES-pohh) might be a cool name, but from my experience it's
kind of a suburban hell, west of Helsinki and mostly upgraded/modernized
in the 1960s/70s, replete with structures made of white blocks, columns,
and glass barrel domes -- friends of mine thought Tapiola
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapiola : "the garden city") was a horrific
example of late modern urban planning . . . the term that comes to mind
when I think of Espoo is "nowheresville" -- am I wrong in this opinion,
You're absolutely correct. Espoo is an interesting location
psychogeographically so to speak. I'm trying to write at least one hundred
Post by Tom_ Lewis
There %is% a city center in Espoo?
Some of my photos from Espoo can be found at
Greetings from Siikajärvi, Espoo,
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
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Forget vote: https://antispam.osu.edu/b.php?c=f&i=282528128&m=3667323f1796
Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
John M. Bennett
2007-04-20 19:13:45 UTC
This worked. Great photos. Espoo looks a lot
like a midwestern USA city; that is, a place with
a lot of variety. It could be Columbus Ohio, or
Minneapolis, or Indianapolis, or.....

Post by J. Lehmus
Don't know of the wiki and tkk.fi links, but the
correct one for my flickr page is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jxlehmus
I'm typing this on a text-only terminal, sorry
Post by John M. Bennett
hmmm, NONE of these links in this email work,
Welcome to Espoo
Post by John M. Bennett
except the Menu Banal one. I'd love to see some photos of Espoo somehow.....
Post by J. Lehmus
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Espoo (pron. ES-pohh) might be a cool name,
but from my experience it's kind of a
suburban hell, west of Helsinki and mostly
upgraded/modernized in the 1960s/70s, replete
with structures made of white blocks,
columns, and glass barrel domes -- friends of
mine thought Tapiola
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapiola : "the
garden city") was a horrific example of late
modern urban planning . . . the term that
comes to mind when I think of Espoo is
"nowheresville" -- am I wrong in this opinion, suomalaiset?
You're absolutely correct. Espoo is an
interesting location psychogeographically so
to speak. I'm trying to write at least one hundred pages.
Post by Tom_ Lewis
There %is% a city center in Espoo?
Some of my photos from Espoo can be found at
Greetings from Siikajärvi, Espoo,
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
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Forget vote: https://antispam.osu.edu/b.php?c=f&i=282528128&m=3667323f1796
Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029
Jim Piat
2007-04-19 20:26:21 UTC
Well said. Write on!
Post by Alan Sondheim
I speak with cleverness.
It comes from the situation of speaking. I write from somewhere else. In
my writing cleverness sounds a false note. It indicates I am off track, I
have lost myself, I am suturing over the wound of ignorance and existence.
I was going to pick out my favorite passages (clever fellow that I am) but I
like em all -- Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I like what folks say on cybermind -- individually and as a whole. And
sometimes something you write Alan strikes me as especially pleasing. I'd
analyze it if I could. Pick it apart and find out just what about it so
delights me. But I can't. I think it is something in the way you explore
consciousness and in this case self consciouness. OK -- now take this bit
below. You write of you speaking and writing -- a sort of dual
consciousness. The difficulty of good faith or impossibility of
authenticity. I don't know quite what to make of it -- but it draws my
attention and at my age that is pleasure enuff. Especially with all the
pointless windblown clatter that makes up so much of my time -- and no
one's fault but my own.

You know, Elizabeth, everytime I use the word fault (and I'm always
finding fault with something or someone) I recall your comment about fault
not having an antonym. You must find me one! Everywhere I go I find
ault -- is there no hope for an antonym. And what is it about fault that
makes it unipolar? Why are some concepts unipolar and some bipolar?
Post by Alan Sondheim
My absurd joking deflects my graceless awkwardness. It goes
nowhere, says nothing of any consequence, and says it poorly. I think my
speaking and email will be the death of me. They draw attention way from
my writing. They undermine it. They say it's not clever enough, intelli-
gent enough. My writing does not respond. My writing sinks, and is writing
about that sinking. My writing props up my world it undermines and
describes. My talking ignores the whole problem. My talking is that litany
of deflections. What I do not understand, I turn into something else. What
I do understand becomes fodder; it never nourishes sufficiently. My talk-
ing implies talking to another limit; there's no etiquette in this. There
is no community in my writing; community cannot survive honesty. But my
writing is full of subterfuge, is about that subterfuge. My talking
carries itself everywhere in order to become pointless. My talking is
pointless. My writing is chiseled into a simulacrum construct of the real.
The real in my writing has everything at stake. It is at stake through and
within the writing. My speaking ignores the real; what is at stake is my
self and its alterity. My self is always in the midst-of, when I am speak-
ing. My self is absent or boundary, bordering, when I am writing. I write
beyond myself; I speak from myself. My speaking is monstrous, self-defeat-
ing. My writing is after the fact. If my speaking is central, my writing
is peripheral; if my writing is central, my speaking is peripheral. One
must read my writing, read my writing with the utmost care. One must never
listen when I am speaking.
Best wishes to all,
Jim Piat
Alan Sondheim
2007-04-19 23:32:42 UTC
Thanks for this; now if I could only talk my way into a job...

- Alan

Work on YouTube, blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory http://www.asondheim.org . Email: ***@panix.com.
http://clc.as.wvu.edu:8080/clc/Members/sondheim for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =============================================================
2007-04-20 15:34:50 UTC
is "nowheresville" -- >

oh please, mr. Haute Architecouture urbanismop,
the term aptly describes the entire planet..

the species itself is pretty tacky period at this point.
i look forward to the day when the entirety of human consciousness
is housed in a black monolith on some lonely island in a blank blue sea

so the bushbabies and lizards can shreik in peace
or better yet

two semi-large spheroids on the surface of the moon
one black one white

hegel's a cluck

evolution is not a "style issue"
Tom_ Lewis
2007-04-20 15:54:07 UTC
Post by phanero
the term aptly describes the entire planet.
you obviously haven't visited Espoo...
Post by phanero
is "nowheresville" -- >
oh please, mr. Haute Architecouture urbanismop,
the term aptly describes the entire planet..
the species itself is pretty tacky period at this point.
i look forward to the day when the entirety of human consciousness
is housed in a black monolith on some lonely island in a blank blue sea
so the bushbabies and lizards can shreik in peace
or better yet
two semi-large spheroids on the surface of the moon
one black one white
hegel's a cluck
evolution is not a "style issue"
J. Lehmus
2007-04-20 18:03:08 UTC
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Post by phanero
the term aptly describes the entire planet.
you obviously haven't visited Espoo...
When did you take your sightseeing tour in Tapiola? The white block part
was largely constructed in the 60's, the glass tower palaces portion is a
later intervention, mostly 90s.
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Post by phanero
is "nowheresville" -- >
oh please, mr. Haute Architecouture urbanismop,
the term aptly describes the entire planet..
the species itself is pretty tacky period at this point.
i look forward to the day when the entirety of human consciousness
is housed in a black monolith on some lonely island in a blank blue sea
so the bushbabies and lizards can shreik in peace
or better yet
two semi-large spheroids on the surface of the moon
one black one white
hegel's a cluck
evolution is not a "style issue"
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
Tom_ Lewis
2007-04-20 18:58:01 UTC
Post by J. Lehmus
There %is% a city center in Espoo?
yeah, isn't there? maybe not -- I kinda thought Tapiola was the "center -- if you drive in on the highway, aren't there signs indicating a "keskus / centrum"? not that a sign bestows centrality on a place...

I lived in Helsinki in the late 90s, and taught English out at the H:ki University of Technology out in Espoo -- it sure is an interesting place, I'll agree, but not where I'd want to hang my hat if I had a choice of locations in So. Finland...

Mr. Hate Archisnob, signing off --


Post by J. Lehmus
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Post by phanero
the term aptly describes the entire planet.
you obviously haven't visited Espoo...
When did you take your sightseeing tour in Tapiola? The white block part
was largely constructed in the 60's, the glass tower palaces portion is a
later intervention, mostly 90s.
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Post by phanero
is "nowheresville" -- >
oh please, mr. Haute Architecouture urbanismop,
the term aptly describes the entire planet..
the species itself is pretty tacky period at this point.
i look forward to the day when the entirety of human consciousness
is housed in a black monolith on some lonely island in a blank blue sea
so the bushbabies and lizards can shreik in peace
or better yet
two semi-large spheroids on the surface of the moon
one black one white
hegel's a cluck
evolution is not a "style issue"
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
J. Lehmus
2007-04-21 20:28:19 UTC
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Post by J. Lehmus
There %is% a city center in Espoo?
yeah, isn't there? maybe not -- I kinda thought Tapiola was the "center -- if
you drive in on the highway, aren't there signs indicating a "keskus /
centrum"? not that a sign bestows centrality on a place...
There are three or four centers in Espoo, and Tapiola is one of them, the
oldest one. The adm,inistratice center is the Espoo Centrum which is located in
the middle part of the area, by the old Cathedral, and virtually inaccessible
except by commuter train or a few bus lines. The administrative services are
divided between Tapiola and the Centrum, probably because a lot of those
services were already established in Tapiola before the time the Centrum itself
was built, in the 70s. Some of the main office buildings located within the
Centrum, are slated for demolition with no clear plan of any replacement. These
include the City Hall designed by some Polish or DDR architects.

I'm fascinated by the constant construction work going on in Espoo, the feeling
of temporality, thin layers of new culture built upon the earlier strata. I
want to study better the land use in Espoo, but haven't figured out yet how to
do this.

Post by Tom_ Lewis
I lived in Helsinki in the late 90s, and taught English out at the H:ki
University of Technology out in Espoo -- it sure is an interesting place,
I'll agree, but not where I'd want to hang my hat if I had a choice of
locations in So. Finland...
Mr. Hate Archisnob, signing off --
Post by J. Lehmus
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Post by phanero
the term aptly describes the entire planet.
you obviously haven't visited Espoo...
When did you take your sightseeing tour in Tapiola? The white block part
was largely constructed in the 60's, the glass tower palaces portion is a
later intervention, mostly 90s.
Post by Tom_ Lewis
On Friday, April 20, 2007, at 10:35AM, "phanero"
Post by phanero
is "nowheresville" -- >
oh please, mr. Haute Architecouture urbanismop,
the term aptly describes the entire planet..
the species itself is pretty tacky period at this point.
i look forward to the day when the entirety of human consciousness
is housed in a black monolith on some lonely island in a blank blue sea
so the bushbabies and lizards can shreik in peace
or better yet
two semi-large spheroids on the surface of the moon
one black one white
hegel's a cluck
evolution is not a "style issue"
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
MENU BANAL >> http://jlehmus.sdf-eu.org << MENU BANAL
Jim Piat
2007-04-21 21:16:04 UTC
As a kid I used to wonder when they were going to finish building the
highways and buildings -- wasn't for many many years that I realized it was
a more or less never ending ongoing project!

How to study the city -- what a challening question. In a way the
challenge is to clarify the question itself. What is the city, what are
you trying to study -- what is puzzling you -- Don't mean this in a flip
or condescending way. Wouldn't even mention it if I was not struck by the
power of the description of Espoo -- something in it calls out to be
studied (and not the least is the question of what is it that is calling
out. Something is dieing and something is being born -- but that is too
glib. Something there is I think Espoo wants to tell us

I picture a grid -- yes I know (so contrary to process and narrative)
numbers, temperatures, counts of all sorts --lights at night traffic
flows -- where are the churches, schools, mosques, transportation
routes, economic patters, ethnic patters -- times sounds. OK this is
crap -- but mostly just a note of admiration. sports, hospitals and police

But in the end -- not for the numbers or even the processes -- but for the
life and the truths. What is universal in the story of Espoo -- a place of

Maybe just walk the length and breath of it and record your story --its
story. How long how long and before that?

I look forward to your next installment -- and now I will shut up so as not
to break the spell of the story.

----- Original Message -----
From: "J. Lehmus" <***@SDF-EU.ORG>
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: nowheresville -- everybody's got one
Post by Tom_ Lewis
Post by J. Lehmus
There %is% a city center in Espoo?
yeah, isn't there? maybe not -- I kinda thought Tapiola was the "center -- if
you drive in on the highway, aren't there signs indicating a "keskus /
centrum"? not that a sign bestows centrality on a place...
There are three or four centers in Espoo, and Tapiola is one of them, the
oldest one. The adm,inistratice center is the Espoo Centrum which is located
the middle part of the area, by the old Cathedral, and virtually
except by commuter train or a few bus lines. The administrative services are
divided between Tapiola and the Centrum, probably because a lot of those
services were already established in Tapiola before the time the Centrum
was built, in the 70s. Some of the main office buildings located within the
Centrum, are slated for demolition with no clear plan of any replacement.
include the City Hall designed by some Polish or DDR architects.

I'm fascinated by the constant construction work going on in Espoo, the
of temporality, thin layers of new culture built upon the earlier strata. I
want to study better the land use in Espoo, but haven't figured out yet how
do this.

J. Lehmus
2007-04-21 22:06:55 UTC
Post by Jim Piat
Maybe just walk the length and breath of it and record your story --its
story. How long how long and before that?
I've been photographing Espoo like that for two years now, taking walks,
the writing rose from the photos
Post by Jim Piat
I look forward to your next installment -- and now I will shut up so as not
to break the spell of the story.
No fear. Nothing can break the spell here. And there will be no story,
just a picture of the area.

Some years ago I remember seeing some magazine story about Espoo, looking
at the city as a miniaturized version of Finland. In some aspects it is,
but I don't see the city in such a way. For example, there aren't any
paper mills, not even a miniature one. The only notable factories are
the complexes of the make-up giant Lumene and the body-lotion plant of
Orion. There may be a few others.
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